H&Z Management Consulting - Consulting with head, heart and hand

Strategy & Performance


Digitalization of Rolling stock maintenance

H&Z develops a digital Business Model for an independent service provider in rolling stock maintenance & lifecycle management segment.

Digitalisation of rolling stock maintenance

Client Challenge

The client faced several challenges:


  • Digital business model (incl. predictive maintenance concept) as unexplored terrain in rolling stock maintenance business
  • Ongoing negotiation & contracting phase with strategic partner responsible for delivering & establishing digital capability
  • Need to identify strategic direction as well as target market niches & customer groups for digitally-aided maintenance solution



H&Z Approach

H&Z leveraged their profound expertise in Railway industry and 360° knowledge of value chain around rolling stock to provide extensive market research including potential customer base and competitive offering as well as to identify & develop a target business model .Working in close collaboration with both the client and its external strategic partner the H&Z team used expert knowledge and proven methodology, as well as a good sense of Head, Heart, and Hand to facilitate efficient cooperation between two sides, identify and segregate mutual benefits & responsibilities and establish a viable roadmap to implement the concept and create foundation for future business growth.




  • Target Business Model & Development roadmap
  • Comprehensive market report for railway telematics & digital lifecycle management services
  • Customer-oriented technology teaser for future acquisition


H&Z developed both target business model and implementation roadmap to digitalize client's core business and augment it with additional capabilities, such as digitally-assisted rolling stock lifecycle management, predictive maintenance and outsourced lifecycle management function.


The team helped to structure & professionalise the client's partnership with external digital vendor as well as identified Plan B opportunities for building-up inhouse digital competences as key enablers for the future business model.

If you would like to find out more about how we help clients, please get in touch with our dedicated Rail team.

Roman Bauer

Roman Bauer