H&Z Management Consulting - Consulting with head, heart and hand

Automotive Innovations for Tomorrow's Mobility

How are we moving now and how will we move in the future? The complexity of mobility requires in-depth answers. We offer the right solutions!

Automobilindustrie bei H&Z

Getting from A to B faster, quieter and more efficiently – new mobility concepts are one of our key competences

Both automotive manufacturers and their suppliers are caught between constant cost optimization, expansion of their global presence, and basic technological and business model-driven changes. Over the past few years in particular, networking through digitalization and the trend towards electric vehicles have created new possibilities for individual mobility.


Automotive companies are facing the challenge of keeping their businesses competitive through focusing and efficiency. At the same time, they’re required to make targeted investments in new technologies and business models so they can keep up with the competition in the medium and long term. There are no standard concepts for any of these challenges.


Only well-founded and tailor-made ideas can tackle these problems at the root. H&Z Management Consulting has experts with experience in the automotive industry to help you understand your problems holistically and how to solve them. This is one of the key reasons why we have founded the H&Z Center for Future Mobility in 2017. Here we have made a conscious decision to understand the challenges of tomorrow’s mobility not just in terms of any specific industry and sector, but as a whole and across all stakeholders.


The automotive industry of tomorrow is more than just the car, so we invite you to also visit our Center for Future Mobility.

What we do



The soul of tomorrow’s vehicle innovation is based on an intelligent core of integrated systems and electronics. 

E-mobility has arrived. How do battery simulations support the development process? How can continuous authoring tools help with the development of the overall architecture and embedded electronics in order to consider the interdisciplinary challenges of autonomous driving? These are just some of the questions that e-mobility providers must answer. Experience alone is not enough to find the right answers. Our consultants are not just experts in their fields, but also visionaries. We must look to the future to develop successful strategy models.

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Autonomous Driving

The technical prerequisites for partial or fully autonomous driving already exist, and the first roadworthy models are already conquering our streets. 

On the one hand, the challenge for companies in the automotive industry is to create an infrastructure for autonomous driving. While on the other hand, they must differentiate themselves from the competition and develop new business models for autonomous driving that are distinct from the ‘normal’ driving experience. h&z has been considering the prerequisites and consequences of autonomous driving for a long time now and can offer highly competent and forward-looking support to help tackle these challenges.

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New mobility concepts

As e-mobility and autonomous driving gain ground on conventional driving there’ll be more opportunities for differentiation in mobility services and to tap new revenue sources. 

Mobility services tend to be, at least in part, specific to certain markets and regions so these factors must be seamlessly integrated into existing digital ecosystems. In order to meet the high degree of regional specificity of services, H&Z has a cooperation agreement with the Nomura Research Institute, Japan’s largest management consultancy. This means, for example, we’re in a strong position to cover the Asian market and support the region’s automobile manufacturers.

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Strategy implementation

Currently, most manufacturers list topics such as e-mobility, digitalization and transformation as part of their strategy. 

Strategy development often takes place amongst a small circle people, but that doesn’t always yield the desired results since it’s the various departments that must achieve the strategic goals. That’s why your company’s goals, the approaches and the processes must be broken down to departmental level. After all, it’s the people in the departments who must develop the respective measures to put the strategy into effect. And not only that, they’re responsible for making sure that each department does its part to achieve the common company goals. h&z has the expertise to distill these processes and to bundle together the measures needed so that the strategy implementation succeeds.


Organizational agility and efficiency

Reimagining the Value Chain with Automotive Innovations: A Focus on Product Refinement and Technological Advancement.

This particularly applies to areas threatened with redundancy due to changes in technology. On the other hand, companies must deepen and expand their competences in a targeted manner in order to put new products on the market. The e-mobility market is a good example. We have a wealth of experience in product strategy, development, procurement and quality management to help get your processes back on the road to success.

Our Expert for the Automotive Industry

Albert Neumann
