Responsible Procurement: Leading the Way to a Sustainable Tomorrow
Procuring goods at the expense of the planet is no longer acceptable. It is time for procurement to take action. It is time to shine for procurement.
Sustainability is widely regarded as the new frontier for business. The biggest risk of all is not taking action.
It is time for procurement to step out of the shadows.
It is time for procurement to show that it can spearhead real, transformational change that will benefit the entire company.
It is time for procurement to be seen in a new light and we think the timing could not be better.
A company’s sustainability standards can only truly be as good as those along its entire supply chain. The purpose of our new book is to encourage and inspire companies on their journey to transform into responsible and sustainable businesses by addressing the supply chain, which reflects a significant part of a company’s spend and thus the impact procurement can make.
The authors, accomplished procurement leaders and experienced management consultants, offer an end-to-end sustainability approach, from defining targets and ambitions to anchoring sustainability within an organization and its decision-making processes.
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All authors are very active on LinkedIn and regurlarly publish interesting insights and news about sustainability and procurement