H&Z Management Consulting - Consulting with head, heart and hand
14/11/2024 - 14/11/2024

Strategic Management Perspectives Dialogue 2024

New beginnings and start-up era - successfully shaping global and economic change with entrepreneurial innovation

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die auf einer Bühne vor einem aufmerksam zuhörenden Publikum spricht. Der moderne Konferenzraum ist hell beleuchtet, mit abstrakten Gemälden an den Wänden und transparenten Stühlen für die Zuhörer.

Strategic Management Perspectives Dialogue

Since 2006, the SMP Dialog has brought together business leaders for a cross-industry exchange of experiences. In an unique setting, a personally invited, small group of participants from large corporations, medium-sized companies and growth companies discuss. The focus is on professional and personal exchange at eye level, stimulated by outstanding speakers. The strict adherence to the Chatham House Rule guarantees a trustworthy framework.

In this year's edition you could expect:

Together with Prof. Guido Baltes from IST Innovationsinstitut Konstanz and high-calibre experts, discussions focused on how companies could successfully position themselves amidst the profound global and economic structural change:


This year's panelists were: 

  • Anna Maria Braun: Shareholder and CEO of B. Braun, shares her view of Germany as a business location and her strategies for remaining globally competitive from here.
  • Prof. Dr. Henrik Müller: Professor at TU Dortmund University, will take a look at macroeconomic developments and, as a Spiegel columnist and former deputy editor-in-chief of manager magazin, will present a pointed assessment of the expected economic and global political developments for discussion.
  • Dr. Alexander von Frankenberg: Managing Director of the largest early-stage fund, High-Tech Gründerfonds, highlights the increasingly strategic role of technology start-ups in the successful transformation of our industrial landscape.
  • Silvia Reischer: First director of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and most recently authorised representative of the President of the BND for future viability and technology, will provide insights into her findings on technology competition in terms of economic and security strategy.



Prof. Dr. Guido Baltes

Prof. Dr. Guido H. Baltes

Thomas Zachau

Thomas Zachau