H&Z Management Consulting - Consulting with head, heart and hand
12/09/2024 - 12/09/2024

Fe&Male Networking Event

Learn more about our recent 3rd H&Z Fe&Male Networking Event!

Menschen sitzen in einem modernen Raum an Tischen und verfolgen aufmerksam eine Präsentation. Einige sind auf Stühlen, andere auf einer Bank. Alle blicken nach vorne, wo die Präsentation stattfindet.

Fe&Male Network

As H&Z we consider networking and personal exchange to be essential building blocks for the successful advancement of women and men. The Fe&Male Network is about establishing a proper platform. Our objective is to fortify the connection between our Fe&Male employees, encourage discussions about clients, projects, and personal growth, while also serving as a space to openly address internal company matters regarding equal opportunities. The Fe&Male Network has evolved into a hub where these important topics can be openly discussed.

Key Highlights:  

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Bettina Boeckle, Head of Logistics Engine Plant Steyr at BMW Motoren GmbH Austria, delivered an inspiring and personal talk.


  • She shared personal experiences of navigating her career in a male-dominated industry.
  • Discussed the critical importance of values-driven leadership during transformative times.
  • Highlighted innovative approaches to work-life design for achieving both career success and personal fulfillment.

Watch the recap from this years event!


We're excited to see you at our next Fe&Male Networking Event on the 11.09.2025. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Bernadette Becker

Bernadette Becker

Carola Frerker

Carola Frerker

Larissa Dorsch

Larissa Dorsch

Sandra Stoll

Sandra Stoll