Perspectives for a Turbulent World
Together with a small circle of top management experts from large and medium-sized companies, Guido H. Baltes (Director of the IST Innovationsinstitut Konstanz) and H&Z founder Thomas Zachau, we discussed various perspectives on the turbulent world and economic policy developments.
This year's panelists included:
- Benedikt Franke, Managing Director Munich Security Conference - Foreign and Security Policy Scenarios
- Deepa Gautam-Nigge, Senior Director Corporate Development M&A at SAP - Networked Innovation in the Digital Age
- Monika Schnitzer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Economist at the German Council of Economic Experts - Macroeconomic Development
- Heribert Prantl, former editor-in-chief & today permanent columnist Süddeutsche Zeitung - Hour of the Optimists
The main highlights among many others:
- Benedikt Franke opened the audience's eyes to the complex topic of security in the geo-economic interplay of states and companies.
- Deepa Gautam-Nigge appealed that the German economy needs to be more fearless in building entrepreneurial initiatives and ecosystems to boost the economy in times of crisis.
- Monika Schnitzer gave exciting insights into economic policy considerations at the highest political level and presented important levers for progressive economic development in Germany.
- Heribert Prantl captivated the audience with a differentiated view of current problematic developments and motivated them to hope, because "in hope lies the power to act".
Hope and optimism are necessary to actively shape the future. By courageously and hopefully taking the initiative, we increase our chance for positive development together!
A few impressions
Klick through some pictures from the event here.