H&Z Management Consulting - Consulting with head, heart and hand

Aviation, Defence & Space Solutions

In aviation, the alignment of economic and environmental goals is paramount.

Space shuttle inside

Strategies for manufacturers, airlines and suppliers with footprint character

Over the past few years, we’ve successfully worked with more than 50 large and medium-sized companies in the aerospace industry. In the face of growing price pressure, low profit margins, significantly increasing competition from Asia, and quickly progressing digitalization technologies, the requirements and challenges facing the aerospace industry are picking up speed.


H&Z Managing Partner and pilot Michael Santo and his team members have considerable first-hand management consulting expertise in the aerospace industry. Together, they are highly competent consultants for clients from industry, ministries, and associations. They’re often faced with highly complex tasks, but are skilled at developing differentiated cost reduction models and new business areas, providing support in management and product developments, and supporting the complete realignment of a strategy.

Airport road

New markets

Studies have shown that midsized suppliers especially are still very inexperienced when it comes to operating abroad. 

But the business is becoming more global and value-add models are changing rapidly. As a result, cross-country supply chain management is required. It’s the only way for companies to tackle the challenges of the future. To identify these challenges and create a suitable measure catalog requires an expert approach. We’ll not only advise you about entering new markets, but we’ll also provide hands-on support to get things going.

Airplane turbine

Evolving Business Paradigms

The development from a product to a service business is already underway for many companies. 

More and more often, our clients are requesting integrated operator solutions across the complete lifecycle. We support companies during the transformation of their business model and their entry into new foreign markets. We’re happy to lend you our expertise when it comes to the redesign of your supply chain, M&A projects, post-merger integration, and change management programs.

Airplane turbine

Advancing Digital Transformation in Aircraft Production

Digitalization is a logical component of a modern airline. 

From booking, to check-in, to downstream support, all processes are digital. This is not so for vehicle production. Industry insiders speak of a digitalization rift or pre-digital aircraft production that must be overcome. With our proprietary digitalization check, you can identify how much your company has utilized digital processes and which areas must be optimized immediately. You can trust in our expertise, which has already benefited many companies.

White curved modern texture

Optimization/Restructuring/Succession Regulation

During the restructuring and optimization of sales processes, development, production, procurement and logistics, we take a holistic look at your business. 

With our 360° analyses, we provide our clients with the necessary transparency to enable them to take targeted cost reduction measures. Our change management programs ensure that your employees are involved as well. We’ll support you when it comes to succession regulations, both for family-owned and management-led companies.

Camera perspective from a fighter jet

Defense Technology – New Requirements

When it comes to defense technology, client and order structures continue to change. 

Furthermore, the trend from product toward service business has now reached the defense technology industry. A number of skills, from networking to direct controlling, all the way to weapons systems, are operated via software in embedded systems that are increasingly taking over security-critical tasks. And let’s not forget the emerging competition from Asia, especially China, who are entering the market with lower prices, attractive payment terms, solid basic technology and reliable delivery. The h&z team will address these problems with professional competence and enlightened creativity to ensure that we find and develop a new business model that’s right for you.

Space rocket flies into the air

The best time for space business

Activity and interest in space has never been higher than it is today and the hardware we continue to put into orbit plays an integral part of the daily lives of billions of people, whether they realize it or not. Without all the hardware currently orbiting the Earth our world would be a very different place. Civil and military services and applications, telecoms, airplane travel, ship navigation, maps applications, disaster monitoring, 5G, continuous high speed data anywhere anytime, autonomous driving, cryptography, enterprise communications, science, internet of things, meteorology, security, AI, finance and insurance, earth resources, and climate change monitoring, to name just a few key services, all rely on space assets. Our future is unthinkable without space.

Business as usual is over

The space sector used to be confined to a handful of nation states and the institutional programs and legacy commercial operations that grew from them. But today, it is a new breed of agile and innovative commercial companies that are driving the new space race, benefiting from the entry in the sector of more than €170 billions of private equity since 2014. These fresh space companies are pushing the boundaries of what was once possible and competing in a sector that was out of bounds to all except the large legacy space companies. And while the classical upstream segment is gaining on new momentum, also the downstream market (applications and data to end users) from broadband, navigation, and Earth observation will experience an extraordinary growth in the coming years.

Business as usual is over. The dynamics of the sector have changed for good, and although the new space and legacy companies will exist side by side, the latter need to transform to remain competitive and take full advantage of rapidly evolving space-based opportunities and a market that will be worth an astronomical €1 trillion by 2040.


It is the best time to be involved in space

Space has become one of the most dynamic business sectors thanks to the massive entrance of private capital and the increasing public investments in almost all activity sectors. New companies are starting up daily in the space sector and companies from other sectors are ready to enter this booming business. There has never been a better time to be in space, and H&Z has a large experience in space programs and a wide portfolio of solutions.


H&Z: Pioneering Partnerships in Space Exploration

Whether you are a legacy or a new space company, or you are willing to enter this business, we are your best placed partner to support your growth. Our services portfolio includes strategy definition and development, entrance in the space sector, transformation to optimize processes, end-to-end procurement organization and services, cultural change for diversification and new programs approach, M&A (technical and financial evaluation) and funds raising support, B2B and market intelligence, market and socio-economic studies, marketing strategy and marketing support.

Our Expert for Aviation, Security & Space

Michael Santo

Michael Santo - Experte für Strategie & Performance bei H&Z

Steffen Wenzel

Steffen Wenzel